On Friday October 21st, 2022, the Bundes-Blindeninstitut Vienna together with the scientific team hosted the kick-off event for the Sparkling Science Project “Smart Sport Assistance – Assistance Systems for visually impaired children”. Students and teachers from all partner schools visited the students and teachers of the BBI in order to get personally acquainted and learn about perspectives of blind and visually impaired persons.

After an initial welcome, blind and visually impaired students gave sighted students and their teachers the opportunity to get acquainted with new perspectives in workshops (e.g., playing Torball, walking with a white cane, typing on a Braille typewriter). Subsequently, the international project partner Prof. Dr. Martin Giese (PH Heidelberg) gave a presentation on the meaning and significance of blindness and visual impairment in the context of Physical Education and sports. Together with the sighted students he reflected on and contextualized the students’ newly gained impressions and discussed open questions.
Please note the following opportunity for participation: This is a Citizen Science project which welcomes the participation of the public in terms of innovative ideas for assistance systems for visually impaired persons in the context of physical activity and sports. In case you would like to share your innovative idea, please contact the project team via email: smart.isw@univie.ac.at
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